(English, 2005, p 31) Most famous of these were the dramatic contests in Athens to honour the Greek god Dionysus, which took the format of mass spectacle competitions in theatrical festal gatherings. Entrants performed before a panel of judges who followed sometimes elaborate protocol in deciding the winner. Poets, play-writes, dramatic troupes and musical performers competed against one another for highly coveted cultural prizes. As early as the 6th Century BC, competitions were taking place in regions of Ancient Greece in Greek drama and the arts. Booker success can however be a financial strain for an independent publisher with small margins. Though success needs to be carefully managed, any Booker association can accelerate growth, engender vision and direction, and help a company gain a firmer foothold in a difficult industry that is monopolised by conglomerate owned imprints. Finally the prize has huge implications for small independent publishers. The award has, however caused the emergence and re-profiling of prizes and what may be referred to as the ‘Bookerisation’ of the prize industry even initiatives such as Richard and Judy book club are indirectly modeled on the Booker Prize. The influence of the Booker Prize on the UK publishing industry as a whole is however, limited by its exceptionally niche target audience segment which alienates the mid to mass market. It was found that the imprimatur of the prize is a powerful marketing tool that gains books and authors an important accredited visibility in an overcrowded marketplace.

The report found that the Booker Prize exerts a relatively substantial impact on the UK publishing industry, significantly driving sales of long listed, short listed and winning titles. A further key focus is the effect of the award on small independent publishers, particularly those who reach the final stages of the prize. After defining the prize and its machinery, it examines the effects of this award on the UK publishing industry, and the UK Literary Prize industry. This dissertation is an investigation into the annual UK Literary Award, the Booker Prize. Chapter 1 Review of Literature i) Academic SourcesĬhapter 2 The Booker Prize and the UK Prize IndustryĬhapter 3 The Booker Prize and the Small PublisherĬhapter 5 Presentation and Analysis of FindingsĬhapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations